Music lovers, piano enthusiasts or even the just curious, are invited to dive into the fascinating world of new piano music at this one-day seminar before the concert.
Venue: Institute of Music, UCSI
Block C Room 307 (3rd floor)
10am - Registration
10.30am – 12.30pm
Meet the Composers (Session 1)
Tazul Tajuddin
Chow Jun Yi
CH Loh
Choke Yuan Teng
Lunch break
2 – 4pm
Meet the Composers (Session 2)
Lee Chie Tsang
Raja Mohamad Alif
Chow Jun Yan
Adeline Wong
Short break
Venue: Recital Hall, UCSI Block G
4.30 – 6pm
Presentation by Mei Yi Foo: Modern Playground
Programming contemporary piano repertoire
Playing new music can be fun! Foo will talk on spicing up your concert programme
with modern repertoire.
In this talk she will focus on free, improvisory and open notation and discuss
works such as those by Kurtag, Eotvos, and some of the Free Hand pieces.
Dinner break
8pm - 10pm
Concert at the UCSI Recital Hall
& Announcement of two winners